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Writer's pictureCurt Rees

Spring 2020 update

On February 28 we hosted our 20th chapter banquet at Cedar Creek in Onalaska.  We were sold out at 120 attendees and enjoyed great food, fish talk, and prizes.  Top prizes were a custom built 3wt by Rick Kyte, a multi night stay at the Logan Mill Lodge in Westby, hand-carved teal by Bill Liska, and so much more.  Duke Welter was our guest speaker and did a great job talking about the mission of TU and how it comes to life in all that we do in Coulee Region TU.

At our March 18 chapter meeting, Jim Bartelt was our guest presenter and he shared excellent information about fishing the moving fly on Driftless Streams.  Our next chapter meeting will be April 15 at the American Legion in Viroqua.  Duke Welter is our featured speaker and he will share about all the projects that are happening in the Driftless and how people can volunteer to help.

Coon Creek Trout Fest will take place in Coon Valley, WI on May 9.  This is a community celebration for the town of Coon Valley and one of the features is the kids fishing event sponsored by Coulee TU.  We stock rainbows in Coon Creek and then provide fishing equipment, prizes, and helping hands to make sure the kids have a good time on the stream.  The more help we have, the more fun the kids have.  The kids fishing goes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Along with members of SEWTU, volunteers will do brushing along the north fork of the Bad Axe River just upstream from Rentz Memorial Park.  Most tools will be provided, so bring your work gloves and eye protection (if you run a trimmer). Work begins at 9 a.m. and lunch will be served when the work is done (approximately noon).  For more information contact Jason Freund 262-490-6225 or

Tainter Creek Stream Day is also Saturday June 6 from 9-2, on Tainter Creek off  W. Tainter Hollow Road, the Tim Erickson property. CRTU is a partner with the Tainter Creek Farmer-Led Watershed Council on that event, as well as Valley Stewardship Network and the Vernon County Land Conservation Department.  Volunteers will be welcome to help with casting games, entomology, fly-tying, setup and takedown and cooking. For more information contact Duke Welter 715-579-7538 or

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